502 500 4089
Foundation, Cemetery Rerulations
To Ask Questions Or Schedule Consultation
502 500 4089
All cemeteries have regulations regarding what style and size memorial you may place on your lots. Some restrict the choice of material that the marker can be made of (granite or bronze) and even tell you what type of design you must have. Cemeteries normally regulate which way the marker will face and on which end of the grave the marker must be placed. Cemeteries also regulate how many markers may be placed on a single grave. Most cemeteries require a foundation under the marker or a monument. This foundation would be underground to provide the proper support of your memorial. All paperwork required by the cemetery for your memorial is handled by Laser Imaging & Design. You can purchase your monument from whomever you choose. Kentucky State Law (KRS 381.697) does not permit cemeteries to limit the care of your plot if your monument is not purchased from them.